
えー!!!Margareta が脱退?!(後任はJohanna Nyström)

なお、先日NHKで収録された演奏は11月16日にシブヤらいぶ館で放送予定とのこと。せっかく「Commonly unique」国内盤も出るのに、ってふと思ったのですが、今後の旧作の扱いってどうなるの?まさか再録ってのは変だし、売りつづけるとは思うけど、やっぱ Margareta あってのreal groupって部分も大きいので、ちょっとまだ気持ちの整理ができないですね。あーあ。





"After 22 years with concerts around the world, recordings and many unforgettable experiences together, The Real Group announces that, after Christmas, they will continue with a new member, Johanna Nyström. Johanna has been the "permanent substitute" of the RG for the last 12 years.

Margareta Bengtson (formerly Jalkéus) has just finished her first solo project, a cd called "I'm old fashioned", that will be released by EMI October 25.

Margareta says:

"It is time to move on after 22 fantastically fun years with The Real Group. For a couple of years I have had the urge to relate musically to other instruments, since the a cappella format is so special and demanding. I find it amazing that Real Group still keeps the banner flying, and like true vocal missionaries sail on towards new unexplored islands in the marvellous world of vocal art, together with Johanna Nyström."

This fall Margareta will sing with the group as planned (except for the trips to Japan) and her last concert with the RG will take place in South Korea in December.

The Real Group オフィシャルHPより)